After the shocking news of Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of the messaging app Telegram, being arrested in France, the company Telegram immediately spoke out to clarify the situation. Known for being a pioneer in protecting user privacy, Telegram is currently facing a serious legal crisis. This work has not only attracted international media attention but also raised important questions about the role of technology platforms in controlling content and cooperating with law enforcement.
Telegram Speaks Out After Pavel Durov Arrested in France
Telegram has officially spoken out after Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of the popular messaging app, was arrested in France. According to RT on the evening of August 25, Telegram affirmed that the company fully complies with European Union (EU) laws and said that founder Pavel Durov “has nothing to hide” and “frequently travels to Europe”. The company is waiting for the situation to be resolved quickly.
Pavel Durov’s Arrest
Billionaire Pavel Durov, 40, with a fortune of 15.5 billion USD, was arrested at around 20:00 on August 24 (local time) in France after flying from Azerbaijan on a private plane for investigation. According to reports from French media, prosecutors in Paris are considering indicting Mr. Durov on serious charges such as complicity in drug trafficking, pornography and fraud. They argue that Telegram has not adequately checked content, and that its strong encryption tools and lack of reasonable warnings have facilitated criminals to operate on the platform.
Telegram Rejects Findings
Telegram has immediately denied the reports, stressing that it is “absurd” that a platform or its owner should be held responsible for the exploitation of the platform. The company said it has fully complied with EU law and has appointed a Belgian legal representative to manage the matter. Telegram has also enforced EU sanctions against Russia by blocking access to Russian companies.
Controversy Over User Data
Despite this, Mr. Durov has refused law enforcement requests to provide user data or install a “backdoor” to monitor Telegram chats. A former spokesman for Mr. Durov has acknowledged that the arrest mission may have been carried out on behalf of the United States, after Mr. Durov publicly reported that US intelligence agencies pressured him to provide access to Telegram user data.
Reaction From France and the US
Currently, there is no official information about the reaction of the French and US authorities to the arrest of Mr. Durov. Telegram continues to monitor the situation and hopes for a reasonable solution soon.